Let the Zucchini Eating Begin: Parmesan Thyme Zucchini Rounds
Well I ended up making a mistake in my garden. Maybe it isn't quite a "mistake" but moreso a miscalculation. Earlier this year when I was starting seeds I read somewhere that you should plan on planting double the zucchini plants then you think you need/want. The reason being is that ...
Happy Independence Day! Backyard Party and Recipe: Confetti Star Frosted Sugar Cookies
I love the 4th of July! I think it is one of my favorite holidays (at least for now...ask me again in a couple months and I'll tell you it is Thanksgiving, then a month later I'll tell you my favorite is Christmas...). I also love throwing a party. So that is exactly what I did! ...
Container Gardening: Planting Carrots in a Grow Tub (Container Garden Carrots)
This past winter I ordered some grow tubs from Garden's Alive to grow some container garden carrots. I was so excited today to finally get my carrots planted in one of them! I just love container gardening! Oh and to make it even better the seeds I got to plant were a free gift ...
In the Garden: Growing Day-Neutral Seascape Strawberries
I've heard of Junebearing strawberries (which is the only thing my dad grows), I've heard of everbearing strawberries (in my opinion seedy and bland in flavor), but it was not until a few months ago I found out about day-neutral strawberries. More specifically Seascape Strawberries. Just the name ...
Pinterest Project! Spring Tulip Wreath diy
I finally got around to a project I've had pinned for years...a Spring Tulip Wreath diy! I'm so excited with how easy it was and honestly how quick it was to complete. I friend of mine on Facebook recently completed her own wreath and that ended up being the final bit of inspiration I needed! ...