raincoat c/o Jane / jeans / boots
(navy) / nails / lip color / sunglasses
This past week, the week before the first day of spring, we got dumped with over a foot of snow. So with outside now looking like December I’m spending my evening dreaming of the warmer days of February. 😉 Yes February…when we were experiencing 60 degree days, going to the ocean wearing only a monogrammed pink raincoat for a jacket, rolling the windows down while driving around (without the heat on…because that’s seriously a thing here in New England…we are known to blast the heat on our cold piggies so we can at least drive around with windows down pretending it’s spring).
I absolutely love this monogrammed pink raincoat from Jane and can’t wait for April showers so I can wear it more! Thankful for those warm February days we had…now hurry up white stuff and melt!
With Love, Jennifer
The monogrammed raincoat looks great on you!